Friday, July 27, 2012

DIY Armpit Stain Remover

Fitness Friday will be coming shortly, but for now I wanted to share this tip with everyone!

My workout clothes and my everyday clothes are pretty much synonymous, and one thing I hate more than anything else is when all that sweat turns my awesome white shirts into not-so-awesome pit stain rags. However, thanks to One Good Thing By Jillee (awesome site by the way, check it out!), I have learned how to keep white shirts looking good as new!

I was being dumb & forgot to take "before" pictures, but trust me, this works! Also, forgive the poor quality of my photos. My trusty 7-year old camera finally went to electronics heaven, so I was left with only my phone camera.

First, make the cleaning solution in a recyclable container. I used an old Cool Whip container.

1 part DAWN Dishwashing Liquid 
2 parts Hydrogen Peroxide
Sprinkle of Baking Soda

I used 1/4c Dawn, 1/2c Hydrogen Peroxide and 1tsp Baking Soda.

Next, pour the solution onto your armpit stains & then scrub it in, like so:

I wasn't really sure how much scrubbing was necessary, so I kinda just made sure that the solution was thoroughly soaking the T-shirt and gave it a few half-hearted scrubs for good measure.

Let the t-shirts soak for at least an hour (I forgot about this project and left it overnight)

Throw the T-shirts into the wash and wash like normal (I had a lot of shirts as you can tell, so I just did one small load of all the T-shirts I was cleaning)

And voila! T-shirts look good as new!

Some notes: 
  • According to the comments I read, this solution doesn't really store well.  You could put it in an air-tight container and then refrigerate, but this solution is honestly so easy to make you might as well just make a fresh batch as needed. 
  • Some of the shirts that I treated have had the stains set in for a very long can still kind of see them but really only if you're looking hard and it's definitely an improvement over what they were.
  • I also tried this on some old ink stains on one of my shirts, and while it isn't completely gone, you can only see it upon close inspection.
  • Allegedly you can use this on other colored shirts for things like grease stains. I haven't tried it yet, but if you have let me know how this worked for you!
Hope this tip helps!

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